Thursday, November 20, 2014

Catch Me When I Fall by John Wiltshire

Catch Me When I Fall by John Wiltshire
Review by AB Gayle

What a wonderful book, but the cover is all wrong. It should have angel wings and an Irish wolfhound! I had no idea what to expect when I bought and read this. I'd just finished reading the first book Love is a Stranger in the series about an ex SAS guy and a Spetznaz (which brought back many memories of Special Forces) so I was expecting a bit of the same.

This story is also about an ex-soldier but it is starts off as an amusing comedy, but morphs into something more serious which brought tears to my eyes. Once again there is an adorable wolfhound, but this time being owned by a park Ranger whose job it was to reintroduce wolves into a National Park.

It's a story about a man acknowledging the truth about himself and finding love along the way.

It all starts when his guardian angel falls to earth outside his back door and his life is never the same again.

I could explain the plot and the characters, but I think part of the charm of this book was that I didn't know what was going to happen next and I was kept guessing right to the end. Thoroughly recommended.

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